About Me

bill tennis pic

Awhile back Bill designed and developed software for the Software Industry. He's worked in the private and public sectors and developed and assisted in the development of numerous web related products and services. He's currently doing Freelance Web/Mobile Development as time permits.

Also, Bill has always been a enthusiastic and promoter of exercise on a regular basis. This propelled him over the years into Racquetball and Tennis. On a regular and committed schedule on regular Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays the games were "ON". These regular activities sparked and generated energy and mental bliss during and after play.

Since these were great experiences he wondered how he could do more with these sports. During his earlier years he did create a few sport applications. Today known as "Apps". Still motivated and full of energy Bill over the past few years has created New Web Sites and "Apps" relating to Sports and Health. See below:

Tennis Audio Tips App: CLICK!!! FREE!!! Demo

While still active in sports Bill is totally committed to technology and sports. With the goal of providing better Health and Fitness thru Diet, Exercise and Technology. This goal can be seen in all of his projects. Visit his sites and view his "Apps" and let him know if you see him on track inspiring better Health and Fitness too.

Email: hgwrap@gmail.com

Email: Holiday Gift Wrap